Letters To My Kids

 I've written letters to my kids since before they were born. I just wanted to have a way for my kids (and even me) to look back on where we were at certain points our lives. 

 I was going through some boxes the other night and  I found a few letters that I wanted to share. Some that I hope will be helpful. 

This first one was written almost 2 years ago after a rough stormy night. The weather seemed to echo what was happening in our souls at that time. 


  As I pray for you this morning, I am thinking back over our conversation last night during the storm. I know you were afraid and you wanted me to come and get you. I'm not sure what you thought I could do against a storm but I understood that you believed my presence would bring you some level of comfort. And while it's true that I probably could have provided a little bit of reassurance, we both know that in the event of an actual storm, I'm pretty limited on what I can do. 

    I wanted to come to you as much as you wanted me to. But I knew that for me to exit my safety, remove you from yours and pull us both into the middle of the storm would be unwise. It was best that we each weather it out where we were even if it meant we were not together. 

   Baby girl... How I wish I could enter all of your storms with you. How I wish I had the power to stop the downpour, to quiet the claps of thunder and lightening. But the only thing I can really do is point you to a Safe Place and hope that you take shelter there. 

  There are so many more storms on your horizon, baby girl. Last night won't be the first time that you watch the clouds roll in and feel completely surrounded by glass, leaving you feeling so vulnerable. How I will want to get to you. 

  But the best thing I can do, and I really do mean THE BEST thing I can do, is point you to the only true place of refuge. ...Jesus. 

 My sweet girl... don't be afraid of the storms. They bring in rain that nourishes the seeds and wash away the grime. They bring in wind that blows away everything that is unsteady and everything with shallow roots. And they cause the lasting trees of strength to dig their roots deeper and gain even more strength, 

  Don't fear the dark clouds, heavy with the weight of this world... LET THEM EMPTY THEMSELVES COMPLETELY  ...and watch... as the sky fills once again with light. 

See the sun shine again. 

   I told you that everything was going to be ok and I believed that it would. Not because I could guarantee that the storm was safe...but because I knew that one way or another you were more safe with Jesus than you ever would be with me. 

   And everything WAS ok. The skies parted, the rain cleared, the birds returned and everything was ok. The sun seemed brighter to me than it had all week. It was a glimpse of heaven! Full of life and light. I knew you would make it to the other side of the storm, one way or another. 

   Don't be afraid of storms, of big mountains, of windy, rocky, narrow paths. 

   Step into the hard things and watch your faith grow!! 

  Strength is built through resistance, not through apathy.  The heavier the weight, the stronger the muscle becomes. Spiritual muscle is built through weathering the storm in the shelter of the almighty. 

  You are beautiful and brilliant and kind and thoughtful. And I believe that every storm you weather will uncover something precious in you. IF you will tuck yourself into the cleft of the rock. 

  Be strong in the Lord  and in the power if His might.  Ephesians 6:10. 

  My tiny girl... HE is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or even imagine. Ephesians 3:20

 I love you so much!



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