
Showing posts from January, 2021
Letters To My Kids   I've written letters to my kids since before they were born. I just wanted to have a way for my kids (and even me) to look back on where we were at certain points our lives.   I was going through some boxes the other night and  I found a few letters that I wanted to share. Some that I hope will be helpful.  This first one was written almost 2 years ago after a rough stormy night. The weather seemed to echo what was happening in our souls at that time.  Daughter,    As I pray for you this morning, I am thinking back over our conversation last night during the storm. I know you were afraid and you wanted me to come and get you. I'm not sure what you thought I could do against a storm but I understood that you believed my presence would bring you some level of comfort. And while it's true that I probably could have provided a little bit of reassurance, we both know that in the event of an actual storm, I'm pretty limited on what I can do.      I wanted